
René Scholz Personality Management
Est. in London in 1991, based in Frankfurt (Main) since 1993.

-49  176  24 07 79 65

René Scholz Personality Management
Kalbacher Hauptstrasse 60c
60437 Frankfurt

Tax-No.        013 867 31999
Tax office     Frankfurt (Main) I

René Scholz Personality Management offers a range of closely related business topics such as “German for Managers” and “Liebe Macht Sinn” / “Love Means Value” which is concerned about the Rules of Communication and Cooperation.

GDPR  General Data Protection Regulation
The protection of your personal data is of paramount importance to us and our utmost concern. We do not collect any personal data on this website(s), do not send any unsolicited newsletter and we do not use quotes without appropriate consent of the source. You are eligible to receive full informationi regarding any personal data, should they ever be stored. Data Proptection Officer is René Scholz.
Disclaimer as required by German law. For original legal text please cf. German site. :

Liablity for Content
All content has been issued with greatest care. However, with all content carefully scrutinized and kept up-to-date we can not vouch for completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness. We are not liable for any kind of damange caused by using this content. As a service provider though, we are liable for our own content. Auithorized by law in force we are required, though, to scrutinize data provided or stored by you, neither are we obliged to investigate any illegal content or action related to your data. However, this does not affect the deletion or suspension of data as requested by law. Any action can not be taken before notive has been issued regarding any trespassing. As soon as notice of any illegal data is rfeceived, these data will be deleted.

The provides or these pages is anxious to honour any third party copyright, use public domain content or use own material instead, resp. Content published by the provider of theses pages is protected by German copyright law. Third party content is indicated as such. To copy, edit and any kind of sharing beyond the limitations of copyright laws requires the wirtten consent of the auther and copyright holder, resp. The use  of downloads and copies is for private use only. Any commericial use of these pages is strictly prohibited.

Data Protection
Submitting data to our website(s) is an act of your own free will and accord. All data are being used exclusively for the purpose intended. Your data will not be shared with any third party for any reason to the best of our ability.

Company Data Protection Officer
Betrieblicher Datenschutzbeauftragter
René Scholz
+49  176  24 07 79 65
Kalbacher Hauptstraße 60c
60437 Frankfurt

Data Protection Officer of the Great State of Hesse
Der Hessische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
Mrs. Herzog, Phone: +49 611 1408 – 144, Fax: +49 611 1408 – 900
Referat 1.4
P. O. B. 3163
65021 Wiesbaden

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