
It’s German!
10 Amazing Rules how to learn it fast, fluent and flawless
by René Scholz

This is a unique introduction to the Rules of how to learn German
fast, fluent and flawless. Grammar is paramount. It’s no mystery, though.

This book introduces you to the grammar of the German language and how to learn, remember and employ it. Furthermore, it fills the gap between what you are usually taught and what you really need to know.

The Rules will serve you for good. Follow them and you will acquire
German as you need it. More than 100 million people enjoy German in
business, in science and, of course, in daily life. You’re next, right?

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Its-German-C1-International-Edition-2021-737x1024.jpeg
The International Edition is available online: “Rene” + “Scholz” + “German”
It has been published by Messrs. Jacobs Verlag, Detmold, Germany
ISBN 9798496758222
The Local Edition is available for students at German-for-Managers.com
It has been published by René Scholz Personality Management (Edition), Frankfurt, Germany
ISBN 978 3 947705 10 8
You are welcome to email us: rene@german-for-managers.com